

RENEGADE Attire creator Lee Lennon first began this journey way back in 2016, whilst working as a bricklayer he was always thinking about the next escape to fulfilling his true passions of, Fitness, Photography, Mountain biking, & any adrenaline fulled adventure that pushes you to your limits, & out of your comfort zone! 

Having long had a great interest in fashion, Creativity & Adventure, Lee grew closer to the fashion industry from a short experience in front of lens, on various photoshoots part time as a model. As a keen Photographer he also got to grips with learning the ropes behind the camera. This inspired him to want to use these skills to Create & promote this message to reach a wider audience by way of fashion, for anyone in alignment with Adventure Lifestyle & personal development, & so RENEGADE Attire was born.  


Weather you're Staring fear in the face on a mountain bike, Jumping out of planes... However you chose to interpret adventure is up to you?  It's Adventure, Experiences & Conquering Fears that really makes you come alive. This also leads to you learn about yourself, grow in confidence & develop as a person. Because without risk there is often no reward.

There just seemed to be something missing with regards to this message in the ( smart casual ) contemporary fashion scene. So we decided to create Sleek Versatile, Activewear for the fashion conscious thrill-seeker. Combining style, practicality & comfort with strong core brand values congruent to those beliefs. "  To create your own path in being a RENEGADE. The Path Less Travelled. True to yourself & your purpose, without following the crowd." 


From the moment we come into this world, we are constantly warned of the dangers around us, to just conform & "play it safe."

Our message is not to go out there & be be reckless, but instead to take calculated risks. One of our main principals at RENEGADE Attire is, "Without risk there is often no reward" hence why we prefer to go down the path less traveled. I guess you could say we are defectors of the norm.


We are a culture of energetic & calculated risk takers, we believe in both a healthy mind & body, embracing a very positive outlook. Why is health & fitness so important in our culture? Because we must be fit, strong & healthy enough to partake in the activities of this lifestyle & culture we love.

We are bold enough to create our own path, always striving to improve. We strongly feel that personal development though adventure helps us to really understand who we truly are as individuals. We create our own happiness & contentment without gratification from external factors. A RENEGADE would rather stand alone for what they truly believe in, then in a crowd of people for something they don't! Only YOU can create your own internal peace!  



Our Logo was inspired by our take of an ancient coat of arms, worn by warriors of the past who were bold enough to be RENEGADES, risking their lives in doing so. The logo Resembling both Spirit & Strength at its core, whilst the wings symbolise freedom & flight. All combined to align with our brand values & what we are all about.



Here at RENEGADE Attire, our aim is to make you our family, feel energised & empowered in the pursuit of Adventure & personal development. By taking " the path less travelled. " We really want to inspire more people to take that leap of faith, to believe in themselves & live that Thrill-seeking Adventurous lifestyle, unapologetically & without the need or gratification from others! We believe life is all about Adventure & Experiences! Not just existing. From experiencing these moments, only then do we really find out who we truly are. We want you to know you are understood. we hope you feel Empowered & Inspired like we do through Adventure, spreading our message & knowing what we stand for. 


We have been working behind the scenes since 2016 with this vision. Sourcing the right products & partnering with companies to work alongside, congruent with our brand. We are always striving for improvement & continue the hard work to develop & grow. Customer satisfaction, feedback & suggestions are so important to both your experience & our development. So we'd love to hear your feedback.

RENEGADE Attire Team.